It is great when everything works and nothing needs to be changed or updated. In my world, these moments are rare, but I suppose that is a good thing or I might not have a job. I hope that this is not true, but I guess that is the way things work. I mean, if […]
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Posts tagged with 'Patch'
Subscribing to SAP BusinessObjects Notifications
Recently a new Knowledge Base article was published on the SAP Service Marketplace. Actually many useful new Business Objects KBs have been published, but this one has broad appeal. KB 1553034 (link) describes the process by which we can subscribe to what they call SAP BusinessObjects Notifications. This service allows “customers to be notified when […]
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BO XI Patching, An Introductory Deep Discussion
Patching your Business Objects XI Enterprise system can be a daunting and confusing endeavor. I hope that this little article can help dispel some of the confusion surrounding the topic. For your reference all Business Objects XI base version and patch installation files can be found here: Let me first establish some fundamentals to […]
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Tips for Installing FixPacks in Business Objects XI 3.1
Lately I have been faced with the need to install a FixPack on one of my Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 systems. Doing so has reminded me of some key points and tips that I wanted to share with the Business Objects community. FixPacking BO 3.1 is truly a different experience: Not Your Father’s BO […]
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