QBXcell – Unlock Your System Database

Analyse BusinessObjects users, documents, connections, servers, scheduling, security, which documents use which universes etc. Background Originally the BusinessObjects repository held all the deployment information for your BOE system. As the repository was a standard relational database the information could be queried via a universe or directly from SQL. Since BusinessObjects XI the repository has been […]
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In Business Objects how can I get a list of reports using a specific universe?

I have been asked the following related questions a few times in the past months and I thought it would be a good idea to post a public answer to them. First the questions: Is there any way to get a list of reports that are using a specific universe? If I change this universe […]
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Querying the Busines Objects XI CMS InfoStore Database Tables

The question has come to my mind many times over the years and this month it has come to my inbox. Thanks to Pluto for inspiring me to write this article. The question: Is it possible to peer into the Business Objects XI CMS InfoStore (a.k.a. database repository) without Query Builder or the BOXI SDK???? […]
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