Import Wizard, Life Cycle Manager, UMT, & Promotion Management, Oh My…

Hey Import Wizard, Good Job! Anyone who has spent some time around Business Objects before BI 4 should be familiar with Import Wizard. It has a little clunky and hard to control, but once you learned to follow and few rules and respect its limits Import Wizard became a powerful tool in your hands. I […]
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Archiving Historical Object Instances in Business Objects

I like to answer the really good and broad-focused emailed questions through articles on this site. The following is one such emailed question: In Business Objects is there any way to archive historical object instances? We need to keep objects for several years, but don’t want to keep so many objects available on the server […]
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Using BO Query Builder to Detect Report-Universe Binding Status

The loss of binding between reports and universes is a common problem experienced by BO XI users. Often the issue can go unnoticed for quite a while, but like a dormant disease it can spontaneously begin to demonstrate severe symptoms that can result in the loss of your report. Sound serious enough? It is! The […]
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Business Objects XI – Changing BO Report / Universe Relationships

Common Ground – Terminology Firstly, let me lay down some terminology in order to make this concept easier to discuss. “Classic BO” refers to any version of Business Objects between 5.X and 6.X. “BOXI” or “BO XI” refers to the Business Objects XI Release 1, 2, or 3 (R1/R2/R3), the injection of BO to the […]
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