Hard to Find CMC Settings Revealed

I imagine that the Business Objects development team had some heated debates about where to put various settings within the CMC application. However, I suspect that when planning out Business Object XI 3.0 and 3.1 some of the decisions were made by a single sleepless product manager with a grudge. I offer the following points […]
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BO XI Distributed Environment: The Standalone Java Application Server

When you are building a small sandbox it is great to put everything all in one place and create a Business Objects solution that is a one-stop shop (a.k.a. putting all of your eggs in one basket). This works for lots of small-to-medium sized BO systems, but sometimes you want to do a little more. […]
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New Query Builder Guide Version Published – Includes XI 3.x Updates and Relationship Functions

I have finally completed my nearly 3-month long update to our Query Builder Guide. Like most things I do, the deeper I got into it the more I found that needed work. What kept me going, and delaying my previously promised delivery time, was the realization that aside from Ted Ueda‘s famous blog entries on […]
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Possible Recovery from Business Objects Error WIJ77778 and WIJ20003

Business Objects WebI report development is challenging enough already, session timeouts in BO XI R2 are mostly annoyances to the report developer, often causing the developer to lose work and time (and money of course). I have found a few ways to recover from a couple errors some of the time. These tips have saved […]
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Can I Connect/Use Oracle 11g Database with Business Objects XI?

The answer is “Yes”, but it depends on which version of BOXI you are running. Business Objects Enterprise XI Release 2 Any version of BOXI R2 equal to or greater than Business Objects XI R2 Service Pack 5 includes an Oracle 11g driver. However, if you find your instance is still lurking below SP5 you […]
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Business Objects Classic Logging and Standard Tracing

If you have ever had a serious issue with your Business Objects environment that wasn’t easily fixed by a service pack, fix pack, or limited availability fix then you probably have had to enable logging on some or even all of your BusinessObjects servers. This is also frequently referred to as “tracing”. I’d like to […]
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Business Objects XIR2 SP4 Bug: Schedules Pending, Job Server Scheduling Dead

Breaking News I have some breaking news, a scoop perhaps, on a new bug that may only impact some (not all) innocent Business Objects XIR2 SP4 shops. Apparently, my contacts tell me that within the last week, Business Objects has internally identified and even resolved a bug that can wreak havoc on the unknowing BO […]
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Solving Business Objects XI R2 CMS Security Viewer’s Crashes

Business Objects XI R2 CMS Security Viewer is a useful administrative tool provided freely by Business Objects. It allows one to analyze your security models without having to actually alter user group membership or login as different users. The tool should not be need in Business Objects XI Release 3.0; however, it can be very […]
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Business Objects Enterprise: Java or .NET?

There are a lot of factors that will come into play in deciding how to deploy your Business Objects XI R2 application, that is to say in the decision whether to deploy InfoView in the Java (Apache Tomcat, WebLogic) or .NET (IIS) flavor. There will be many reasons such as available skillsets, technical familiarity, web […]
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