Cleanly Stopping and Starting Business Objects Servers

I really cannot explain why it is that I have NEVER seen any documentation that advises Business Objects XI administrators on how to stop and start Business Objects properly. For those of us running part of our business on BO XI we are very concerned about minimizing errors for users and scheduled jobs while we are restarting Business Objects.

The Cleanest Method to Stop a Business Objects Environment

I have discussed this topic with my senior engineers and the following is based on the input I received from them and from my own experience and knowledge. I will label optional steps that will make your stop and start as graceful as possible; these are optional, but they are the best method to follow if you have the time to do so. Also when following the steps make certain that the step is complete and the server is completely stopped/started before proceeding to the next step. Additionally if you have a clustered environment, and you should if at all possible, then you can stop all servers of the same kind in any order or even simultaneously.:

  1. Please first make note of any pre-existing disabled servers to be sure that you do not enable them mistakenly later on. Screenshots are useful and fast, just be sure to save them.
  2. Shutdown your web/application layer. This will stop your users from launching new jobs and from getting strange errors as you are in the midst of your shutdown. You could just disable a proxy server (if you use one to cut off the access, but (Graceful Option) you may want to completely flush the system by completely stopping the web server.
  3. (Graceful Option) Through the Central Management Console (CMC) or through the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) Disable all BO servers except for the CMS, Input FRS, Output FRS, and Destination servers.
  4. (Graceful Option) Wait as long as reasonable/acceptable or until all user sessions/requests have cleared the disabled servers before proceeding to the next step. Usually 30 to 60 minutes is sufficient for any valid threads being processed.
  5. Shutdown the Event Servers (use CCM or CMC). This would stop any related scheduled jobs from launching.
  6. Shutdown all Job Servers (WebI, DeskI, Program…).
  7. Shutdown the Destination Servers.
  8. Shutdown all Report Servers (WebI, DeskI, Crystal…).
  9. Shutdown any other non-CMS Servers that are still up and running.
  10. Shutdown CMS. CMS should always be last. This is essential and it will make your CMS shutdown go much faster and more smoothly. It may also help reveal any problems that your CMS may be having (for example, if it won’t shutdown you’ll know it is not because of any other lingering servers in the cluster).
  11. With the CMS completely shutdown you are official and completely down.

The Cleanest Method to Start a Business Objects Environment

It is assumed that EVERYTHING is down prior to beginning these steps. If your environment is only partially down we strongly recommend that you first shut it down completely before attempting a start/restart. You want to have a clean environment so do yourself and your users this favor. When starting groups of the same kind of server you can start them one by one or simultaneously, jsut be sure that all are started before proceeding to the next step. (Graceful Option) If you disabled any servers prior to the shutdown (as part of a graceful shutdown) then you should enable them immediately after they have been started:

  1. Start the CMS servers. This will take a little while depending mostly on the number of objects in your environment.
  2. Start Destination Servers, Input FRS, and Output FRS.
  3. Start Event Servers. Also as a side note, please be aware that Event Servers must always be restarted following the restart of any CMS in the cluster.
  4. Start all Report Servers.
  5. Start all Job Servers.
  6. Start any other servers that have not yet been started.
  7. Start your web/application layer.
  8. The Value of the (Graceful Stop/Start Method)

    Disabling Business Objects XI servers allows the servers to retain and complete their current threads/work, but it stops it from accepting any new work. Nevertheless, this requires caution. If users retain access to the environment (web and application layer are up) while you are disabling servers and you disable ALL servers, or most of them to a point below capacity demands, then you will cause errors for users! Therefore, if the users do retain access to the environment disabling servers would only be done partially to the collection of similar servers (with reason). Also do not forget to enable the servers after the servers are restarted!!!

    Please also see the article “The Best Way to Stop a Business Objects Server“.

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53 thoughts on “Cleanly Stopping and Starting Business Objects Servers

  1. BO3.1.3 Win2003.IIS. If the cleanest method for shutdown described above is used from the CCM. Should the last step be to close the services window and stop the SIA? My followup question-if so, for restart- if the SIA is started, and the service parms have included “Automatically start the service when the SIA start” – do the services start in a ‘graceful’ order? Is this alternative a good method instead of – not stopping the SIA and restarting/enabling the services individually in a graceful order?

  2. Hi Beverly, I like your thinking. Yes, I agree that you last step would be to stop the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) service (assuming you stop each “server” in CMC first).

    I have been told by many SAP Business Objects engineers that the SIA will start all of its child “servers” in a graceful fashion. The truth is that I believe that “gracefulness” in starting Business Objects “servers” is less important than it is in shutting them down. In this case, I do use the “Automatically start the service when the SIA starts” option; however, I also often put my CMS in their own dedicated SIA, so I can control their stopping and starting order through the SIAs.

  3. Hi,
    I have installed BOXI3.1 I am not able login Deski It gives error. ([repo_proxy 49] SessionFacade::checkLicenses – the current user hasn’t got the rights to use this application ). I have granted full rights to user through CMC to application DESKI but still getting this error. I can login to Designer,infoview,CMC hence i feel its not a license issue.Please advice what should i do?

    Thanks in advance

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